Did you give it your all?

I have fought a good fight. I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.

II Timothy 4:7, NLT

Tomorrow starts the beginning of another year. And although I did not accomplish everything I set out to accomplish, I can say, with confidence, that I gave it my all.

Paul sat in a Roman jail knowing his life was about to end. But as he reflected on his life as a missionary to the Gentiles, he wrote a letter to Timothy and told him he was ready to die because he had remained faithful to his call.

As another year ends, were you able to remain faithful to your call as a Christian writer? Were you able to spend time developing your craft? Were you able to establish a regular writing routine? Were you able to complete your manuscript? Were you able to submit your manuscript for publication?

Today is a good day to reflect on what you accomplished this year as a Christian writer. And as you look back, even if you didn’t accomplish everything you set out to do, I hope you can say you gave it your all.

Sharing the journey,


Responding to God’s call to write: In what ways did you give it your all this year as a Christian writer? Post your comments on my blog. I enjoy hearing from you!

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