You can graduate too!


Don’t get discouraged and give up, for (you) will reap a harvest of blessings at the appropriate time. Galatians 5:7 NLT

I always enjoy attending graduation. Because it’s a reminder that the early morning rising for classes and the grueling late night study sessions have finally paid off.

But I’m sure there were days students didn’t think they’d make it to their graduation ceremony. Days when school was difficult, and they almost felt like giving up on their dream of getting a diploma or college degree. But since they chose to keep pressing forward toward their goal, in spite of the obstacles along the way, they are able to walk across the stage with other graduates to receive their coveted award.

Like these graduates, you will encounter some challenges and obstacles along the way as you seek to write for publication. Challenges that may sometimes cause you to want to give up on your dream to become an author. But just as the student kept working hard to attain their goal to receive his degree, continue working hard to overcome the obstacles that seek to get in your way of writing for publication. And one day, if you don’t give up, we’ll be celebrating your graduation too from aspiring writer to author.

Sharing the journey,


Writer to Writer: What are you doing today to overcome the obstacles that seek to get in your way of graduating as an author? Post your comments on my blog. I enjoy hearing from you!

Writer to Master: Father, I ask for your help today to overcome the obstacles that seek to hinder me from graduating as a Christian author. Amen.




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