Are you ready to give up your Isaac?

Abraham, who had received God’s promises, was ready to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, though God had promised him, “Isaac is the son through whom your descendants will be counted.”  Hebrews 11:17, NLT

God asked Abraham to give up the very thing he treasured most – his long-awaited son, Isaac. But Abraham was not afraid to sacrifice his son, because he believed if Isaac died, God could bring him back again.

Aspiring writer, is there an ” Isaac” God wants you to give up today to write for publication? Could your “Isaac” be a demanding career, time on social media or your phone, or time watching your favorite TV show? Whatever it is, sometimes God will ask you to give up the very thing you treasure most to write for publication. But don’t despair, for when you give up your “Isaac” to write for the kingdom, God will return it back to you doublefold.

Sharing the journey,


Respoinding to God’s call to write:  Father, help me to give up whatever is necessary to write for publication, knowing you will return my sacrifice double-fold. Amen.


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2 Responses to Are you ready to give up your Isaac?

  1. Michele A says:

    Thank you for the inspiration message ” Am I paying attention to my burning bush. I just received some news today that I was not to happy about, actually mad and angry asking God why is this still here. I thought that this matter would be over, but God has said no and I am not sure why; after reading your message perhaps this is my bush burning experience. God is trying to get my attention to write the testimony He has given me. I’ve been writing small encouraging quotes and sharing some on my social page but nothing really towards my book. I just ask God what is it that I am doing wrong or to be learning from this mountain,and I believe your message today is my answer. ” Writing” my book and be consistent, stop putting the bigger assignment off. Thank you for your inspirational message.

    • Jeaninne says:

      Hi Michelle. Thanks for the encouraging words about my blog post today. I am so glad you found it inspirational as you continue to battle your health issues and determine how to share your journey along the way. As I shared in the blog, sometimes God will speak to us through people and through circumstances to encourage us to get started writing the stories he has given us. You have a story to share, and I’m glad to hear you’re already sharing your story, in a small way, via your inspirational quotes you are writing; however, if you know God wants you to write your book, I’m glad to hear you’re ready to get started. As you begin, please let me know if you’d like to hire me as your writing coach.

      Keep writing for Him,


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