It’s here!

Mrs. Stokes, your baby has arrived.”

If you’ve ever given birth, do you remember the joy you felt when you  saw your newborn baby the first time? Did you rub their head softly, cuddle them closely and just stare with amazement at the life you’d just given birth to?

Well, that’s the same way I felt about the arrival of my new book. After I opened the package and saw my book, I touched it, held it tightly, and stared with amazement at my “baby”  that had finally arrived.

But like any woman who’s given birth, I had some labor pains along the way. The pain of writing when I didn’t want to always  write. The pain of rewriting until my manuscript was as perfect as I could get it to be. The pain of navigating the rough waters of the publication process. But just as a new mother forgets the pains of her delivery after she sees her newborn for the first time, the pains of my delivery were also forgotten when I saw my book the first time, and replaced with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and  joy.

Aspiring writer, as you prepare to give birth to your first book, expect some labor pains along the way, but know they’ll all be forgotten when you hold your “baby” in your arms.

Sharing the journey,


Writer’s prayer: Father, giving birth as a writer can be painful, but help me to remember the joy that comes afterwards when I see my work in publication. Amen.

Writer to Writer:  In what ways are you  pushing through the pain of writing, so you can eventually give birth to your writing ministry? Post your comments on my blog..

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