Do it now!

 Indeed, God is ready to help your right now. Today is the day of salvation.  II Corinthian 6:2, NLT

I keep coming up with various reasons for why it hasn’t been the right right time to offer my first writing conference. I have said the time wasn’t right because I didn’t have the financial resources in place. Or the time wasn’t right because I didn’t have all of my presenters confirmed. Or the time wasn’t right because I didn’t have the right location chosen.

But I cannot continue to postpone the offering of my writing conference.  For as I notice various  conferences popping up around my city, I would be devastated if someone else offered a conference for aspiring Christian writers, before I offered mine.

Did you know people also put off accepting Christ because they are waiting for a better time to do so?  But the apostle Paul reminds us that God is ready to help change the lives of people right now, if they’ll accept his offer of salvation today, rather than waiting for a better time.

I believe God is saying the same thing to me about the offering of my first writing conference. I keep waiting for everything to be in it’s proper place, but If I continue to do so, the conference will never happen. Today is when I need to offer a conference for aspiring Christian writers, believing that God is willing and ready to help me begin.

Aspiring writer, are you waiting until everything is in place to begin writing for publication for the Christian marketplace? Stop waiting. Your time is begin is now.

Sharing the journey,




Writer’s prayer:  Father, I’ve put off starting my ministry as a Christian writer long enough. Today I commit to beginning the journey to write for publication. Amen.

Writer to Writer: Write down in your journal or to do list one thing you will do today to begin writing for publication for the Christian marketplace?

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