What if God says…


And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them  Romans 8:28, NLT

Two weeks have passed since I interviewed for a full-time job and I am faced with the reality that I might not get hired. But I know it’s not because I am unqualified for the job, but because God may say no.

You see, God answers our prayers as Christian writers in three ways – sometimes he says yes, sometimes he  says wait, and sometimes he says no. But Darlene Salsa reminds us in her book, Encouraging Words For Women, that “No” is an answer to our prayers too.” And God answers “No”  when he knows the request is not in our overall best interest.

Aspiring writer, don’t get discouraged if your writings are rejected when you submit them for publication for the first time in the Christian marketplace, for if you have been called to write and are living out your purpose,  God will take every no that you receive and  turn it into a yes!

Were you expecting a yes from a publisher today and received a no instead?  Just remember: It’s for your good!

Sharing the journey,


Writer’s prayer: Father, thank you that when I experience rejection of the work that I submit for publication for the Christian marketplace, it’s always for my good. Amen.

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