Are you Mary?

For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37, NLT

During his sermon, a minister asked his congregation what they would do if an angel appeared to them and told them they would give birth to the son of God. It wasn’t hard for for me to answer, for I had been Mary.

On a sunny day while driving to work, God spoke to me and told me I would give birth to a writing ministry. And like Mary, I was confused about how it was going to happen? I started asking God the following questions: “How could I give birth to a writing ministry since I was not a trained writer?” “How am I supposed to make this happen?”  “Are you sure you have the right person?”

Aspiring writer, is God calling you to birth a writing ministry? Are you confused and wondering if he has chosen the right person? Instead of doubting your ability to be used by God, decide instead to be like Mary and say:   “Lord, I am your servant and willing to accept whatever you want from me.” “May everything you say will happen come true.”

Sharing the journey,


Writer’s prayer: Father, thank you Lord for choosing me to birth a writing ministry. May everything you say will happen come true. Amen.

Writer to writer: What type of writing ministry is God birthing in you? Are you getting ready for your delivery? Share your comments on my blog.

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