The Passion of the Writer

Since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourself with the same attitude he had, and be ready to suffer too. I Peter 4:1, NLT

While listening to a panelist at a writing seminar, she shared the word passion evolved from the Latin word suffering. So if you replace the word suffering for passion in the movie title, it means The suffering of the Christ.

In other words, Jesus had to suffer to atone for the sins of the world. And like him, aspiring Christian writer, you will have to  endure some suffering to achieve your writing goal. So the question I pose to you today is: How passionate are you about writing for the kingdom? Passionate enough to give up the pursuit of other things, so you have time to write? Passionate enough to give up climbing an existing career ladder to pursue a career in writing? Passionate enough to endure the sting of criticism when you are told your writings are not yet ready for publication?

Jesus was willing to suffer isolation, ridicule and death to accomplish his mission to atone for the sins of the world.  Are you, aspiring writer, just as passionate about accomplishing your mission to write for publication?

Sharing the journey,


Aspiring writer’s prayer: Father, help me to be just as passionate as Jesus was in achieving my mission to write for publication for the Christian marketplace. Amen.

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