Same God. Different gifts.


There are different ways God works in our lives, but it is the same God who does the work through all of us. I Corinthian 12:6, NLT

During a women’s revival, a spoken word poet shared a message each night before the minister arose to preach. During the last night of the revival, the poet’s message was so moving the minister said the preaching had been done, and the next step was to extend the invitation to join the church.

Many times we think God’s word can only be delivered through one medium, but what happened at the revival demonstrates that God can use any medium to deliver his word. Including the medium of writing.

Has God endowed you with the ability to write well? Then be sure to stir up the special gift God has placed within you to its fullest potential, for the same God that used a spoken word artist to deliver his word is able to use you to write his word to a lost and dying world!

Sharing the journey,


Responding to God’s call to write: How do you believe God wants to use your special gift as a writer to make a difference in our world today? Post your answer on my blog. I enjoy hearing from you!


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