I have fought a good fight. I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. II Timothy 4:6


Each time I return from my sister’s house during the holiday season, I’m tempted to give up on the race God has given me to become a professional Christian writer. For when I compare my life to hers, she has acquired so much more materially than I have. Three cars sit in her garage, while my car sits at the repair shop waiting to be fixed. Her house is fabulously decorated, while my house is in need of major redecorating. She has a beautiful outdoor living area, while my outdoor living area includes a small cracked patio, a run-down fence and dead grass riddled with weeds.


I probably could have most of the material things she has acquired if I had continued on the path of my prior career. But God placed me on another path. He called me eleven years ago to the path of writing, and this is the path I know he wants me to complete. And though I am reminded each time I visit my sister of the material benefits I’ve given up as I prepared for my writing ministry, I’m still going to remain faithful to the race God has given me. 

Christian writer, as you live out your call to write for the kingdom, discouragement may occur when you see others with material blessings you’ve given up during your writing journey. But take courage in knowing God has a wonderful reward waiting for you in heaven if you remain faithful to your writing call.

Sharing the journey,



Writer’s prayer: Lord, thank you for calling me to write for your kingdom. Help me to give it my all.

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One Response to GIVE IT YOUR ALL

  1. Valerie says:

    Thanks soo much for this post Jeaninne! Just the encouragement and reminder that I needed. God bless you lady!

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