Are you a faithful friend?

Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

Proverbs 27:6, KJV

A friend of mine published her first book. Since I had  purchased and read a copy,  she called and asked for my opinion. I stumbled over what to say because I didn’t think the book was written well.  She finally said: “If you’re my friend, I need you to be completely honest and tell me what you think about my new book.”

So I did. I told her what I liked about her book and then shared my feedback on  how I thought it could be improved.  And though I was sure she would be angry at me for sharing my negative feedback, she told me she appreciated my frankness and honesty, and that I was a good friend.

Aspiring writer, if you have joined a group to receive critique of your work,  be open to the feedback you receive about your writings. Although you may be tempted to defend your work, listen instead as they offer you feedback for how to improve your writing craft. It may hurt initially to hear that your work is not yet ready for publication for the Christian marketplace, but in the end you’ll appreciate your group for being a “faithful friend.”
Aspiring writer’s prayer: Father, even if it hurts, help me to be open to receiving feedback about my writings, so they can be completely ready when I  submit them for publication for the Christian marketplace. Amen.
Sharing the journey,


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