Giving up your rights

Don’t we have the right to live in your homes and share your meals? Don’t we have the right to bring a Christian wife along with us as the other disciples and the Lord’s brothers and Peter do? Yet we have never used this right.  I Corinthians 9:18, NLT

When I consider the many repairs and other projects my house needs and my overall financial situation, I know that I have many rights. I have the right to apply and get hired into a nice job which pays me well.  I have the right to ask for a salary based on my years of experience. I have the right to make enough income to prepare for retirement. Yet, if I choose to use my rights, it may mean giving up the time I”ve set aside to write for ministry and Christian publication.

The apostle Paul also had many rights.  He had the right to marry, the right to live comfortably, and the right to get paid for his work as a carpenter. Yet, Paul chose instead to give up his rights so he could be free to preach the gospel.

After you’ve answered your call to write for Christian publication, every day you’ll be faced with a choice – to do what is rightfully yours to meet your daily needs or to trust God to take care of you.  What rights are you willing to give up today to write for the kingdom?

Sharing the journey,

Responding to God’s call to write: Name one right you’re willing to give up today to write for Christian publication?



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